A message from the Vestry Sr. Warden

Serving as Senior Warden for the past year has been an honor and I thank Brook for the opportunity.
While I had planned to report to the congregation more often, projects that were in process when I came aboard and new projects that were initiated after my arrival on the vestry required time that I determined was better spent involved in “making it happen”, so I apologize for the lapse in reporting.

(1) Front multi-task room – Due to the diligence and conscientious planning exhibited by our “in-house” experts, we were able to save around $ 20,000 in the renovation of what had been a space of no use but storage.  Thanks to James Rousseau and his team for the beautiful transformation of the junk room.
(2) Front Fellowship room  –  Purchase of furniture, a coffee bar, wainscoting, welcome desk and informational screen provide an atmosphere of warmth to all who enter our front door.  One insert remains to be installed in the third frame on the wall, but will soon be delivered, to complete this project. Many thanks go out to Dawn Batchelor and Bob McCown and their team for a job well done.
(3)  Memorial Garden – The fence around the Memorial Garden was stolen, as you know.  The new fence was donated by  Steve and Debbie Seymour.  The installation of the fence was donated by Amy and Charlie Mercer and was assisted by James Rousseau and some of our youth. Cleanup and some plantings inside the Memorial Garden were donated by Bill and Lee Saunders. Painting of the entrance gates was donated by Jim Downs.  The electricity to the Garden was restored with parts and labor donated by Bob Novak.  We salute and express our gratitude to each of these parishioners who saw a need and came forth to correct it.  The Vestry is putting in place a program to maintain the Memorial Garden.
(4) The Fence along the back of the building was completed.
(5) The pressure washing of the soffit (front awning) was donated by Jim Downs.
(6) Cruise-in – As a community outreach, thanks to the vision of Lynn Lindsay, we have a regular event for owners of antique vehicles that have been restored.  In our parking lot, the first Saturday of each month, car and truck enthusiasts gather to enjoy fellowship and display their talents. This appears to be growing each month.
(7) Financials –  Our mortgage and checking accounts were moved to a different bank enabling us to get better rates and  longer terms at the better rate. This was a long process of negotiation that was handled by Henry Glover and Wayne Schmelz.   Thanks to their efforts, All Souls is in a much better, long term financial position.
(8) Maintenance and cleaning of inside the church.  Henry negotiated with a hi-tech commercial cleaning service to come in to do the housekeeping on a regular basis.  We were also able to clean and sanitize all of the seats in the sanctuary.
(9) Updating our parking lot lighting to LED lighting. This was done for safety and security reasons. By doing the work ourselves we were able to save over $10,000. In addition to these savings now, the use of LED lights will pay for themselves in the next 3 to 4 years. Thanks to the hard work of John Crockford and Jim Downs, assisted by Bob Novak, who supplied the boom truck at no cost to the church. The old parts in the fixtures which were salvageable were collected by Bob Novak, who was able to sell them and give the proceeds back to the church.  This same team is working on the awning lights under the red canopy  on the front of the church. This will be completed this month to give us more security and  safety and enhance our appearance.
(10) Ending the fiscal year in the black –  GOD is good!


(1)  Electronic sign on the street ($20,000 was donated anonymously for this project.) This had been projected to be completed in 2018, but due to the additional expense of installation it was not.  We have had some generous parishioners provide funds to cover the additional expense needed, so it will be completed this year.
(2)  Updating of the Sanctuary –  A team has been in place for some time, formed by Ralph Daniel. This vision team consists of Jeanne Vliek, Toni Downs, Bob McCown, and chaired by Catherine Datres. Two options have been reviewed with the vestry and we will be discussing and finalizing the correct plan for the church soon (after our vestry retreat in February). We are looking at the whole picture, from the color of the walls and all other areas including what should be on the walls. At the end of this phase, we will be looking at the costs to do this project and proceed based on the funds to make this happen.
(3) Completion of our Planned Giving Program – This was presented to the congregation in November. It is still in process, to be completed soon.
(4) Home Groups – A program designed to get more of our fellow parishioners involved in a home group is underway.  Home groups are not new, but more participation is needed and this ministry will become more visible this year.
(5) New Members  – This program (of growing All Souls) has been in the works for several months led by Ralph Daniel. Our goal is to do a better job of attracting newcomers, nurturing them to become involved members and enlarging God’s kingdom.  This new approach should be installed early this year.
(6) Local Outreach – Dennis Kelemen is developing new ideas for becoming more recognizable in the community.  He has a team in place  and his plans will  be initiated early in 2019.  Included will be  Advertising and Social Media.
(7) 40th Anniversary for All Souls –  Hal Taylor and his team have worked tirelessly to provide a memorable event for the enjoyment of all.  This will be a celebration of our past as well as our future.
(8) Traditional functions at All Souls –  The vestry and staff will be reviewing previous traditions for All Souls and creating a calendar of events to provide for leadership of each.
(9) Involvement of parishioners – 2019 is the year that I ask you to put forth every effort to become more involved in All Souls happenings.  Each of us has a role in the future of All Souls, which leads to the spread of the  kingdom.  Let this be the year that we work together as willing volunteers to answer His call to us.  Let this be the year that, if we see something, we do something.  Let this be the year that we step up and take action for the good of All Souls, because, if not “you”, then who?
(10) My personal goal:
(A)  Improve communication throughout the church.
(B)  Follow Christ, follow through, follow up.

“……’The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest,    therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'”                    Matthew 9:36-37

After Whitey’s message last Sunday, and Ted’s music, reminiscent of times past, we should look ahead, knowing that the Lord will guide us because he has plans for us:
