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New to All Souls?
Thank you for visiting. Whether you are new to the Mandarin area or have been here a while and are looking for a new place to Worship, please know that you are welcome and we are eager to meet you.
What to Expect
Where Do I Go?
Our campus is one big building, so just come in the double glass doors where you will be greeted by an usher or greeter. They can help guide you to the Sanctuary for a seat or help you locate a friend who may have invited you to church.
We hope you will join us for coffee. We always have coffee in the discipleship class area before church and after the service we have coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Area. After the service, we will value the time we have to meet with you.
Who Do I Talk To?
Just look for one of our ushers or greeters just inside the front double doors of the church.
How Do I Get Info On...?
We have information on various ministries and what is happening at church on a table to the left as you walk in the front doors. There is a communication card in the pocket on the back of the chairs in the church and all are encouraged to fill one out when they visit.
What Should I Expect?
When you walk in the doors of All Souls Anglican Church, you will be greeted with a smile from one of our ushers or greeters. They can also direct you to pick up one of our welcome packets as well as some great information on what All Souls has to offer.
We are an Anglican church. As such, you will find elements from the three major streams of the Christian church (Evangelical, Sacramental and Charismatic) incorporated into our services.
We begin each service with prayer, corporate confession and absolution. Next in the service we have a time to “pass the peace.” This is where we greet one another and share in the Joy of the Lord.
Following the Peace we begin praising the Lord and worshipping Him through song and praise music. We encourage everyone to participate and worship the Lord in song.
After praise and worship and the Collect of the Day, the children (grades 1 – 5) are dismissed to Children’s Church, and the Scriptures are read by designated Lay members of the church. At the end of each reading, the reader will say “The Word of the Lord” and the congregation responds, “Thanks be to God.”
The sermon is usually preached directly from that week’s Scripture Readings, always taken directly from the Word of God.
After the sermon, we share the Nicene Creed and have prayers for the Church, the World, the Family, etc… followed by the Offertory where the tithe and other love offerings are received.
Every service at All Souls Church includes Holy Communion. The ushers release the congregation by row to come forward and receive the elements. We have cushions in front of the altar for people to kneel on, but for some standing is preferred and that is fine. First, the consecrated wafer is placed in the palm of your hand and then the chalice is passed so you can dip the wafer in the wine and then consume it. After taking communion, we always have prayer teams available for anyone who needs prayer or is looking to make or renew a commitment to the Lord.
After Holy Communion we have a time for a closing prayer and blessings as we head out into the world… into the mission field.
After the service, you can meet the Senior Pastor and other leaders of the church in the fellowship hall over coffee and snacks. This is a great time to ask questions and get information about All Souls.
We hope to see you soon! We would love to meet you!
What We Believe
The Bible is our all-sufficient rule for faith and practice and is summarized in The Nicene Creed and The Apostles Creed.
Every local church has its distinguishing characteristics that express the priorities of its mission.
Our distinctive’s are as follows:
- An Unflinching Resolve to Recognize and Promote the Priesthood of All Believers. Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (NIV).
- A Vigorous Devotion to Train a Generation of Young People to Fulfill Their God-Given Destiny. Psalm 78:4 We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders he has done (NIV).
- An Absolute Dedication to the Fulfillment of the Great Commission in this Generation. Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the end of the age (NIV).
- A Full Expression of the Historical and Contemporary Streams of the Church Where the Sacramental, Evangelical, and Charismatic Converge. I Corinthians 12:4-6 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men (NIV).
- A Determined commitment to minister to the sick, the broken and the needy, and to help mend human divisions. Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor (NIV).
All Souls’ History
“To Know Christ and To Make Him Known” has been the mission statement of All Souls Church from its inception in 1978.
All Saints Church established a new mission named All Souls Church in the growing Mandarin area of Jacksonville with The Rev. Harald (Whitey) Haugan as our first priest. Our first service was held on December 31, 1978, in the clubhouse of Woodlake Apartments with 125 eager worshippers present. The Lighting Showcase became our temporary church home as we rapidly grew in numbers and began to build on property given to us by the diocese.
After moving into our new home on Old St. Augustine Road in September 1979, we quickly attained parish status within the first year of our existence. During the years of Whitey‘s leadership, growth took place not only in the number of members but also in knowledge of the Word of God through Bible teaching, discipleship, intercessory prayer and lay ministry. Whitey encouraged us to discover our spiritual gifts and to use them in ministry as we are all members of the royal priesthood of God.
Many well known preachers and teachers of God’s Word came to add to our knowledge of scripture during weekend sessions and retreats which refreshed and further matured us.
Worship has always been integral to All Souls and we believe that everything we do flows out of a heart of worship. Through the ministry of praise music groups, we have joyfully lifted our voices to the Lord.
Whitey’s legacy to All Souls was to proclaim Jesus as Savior and Lord and to keep everything under the authority of His Word.
At the time of Whitey’s retirement after 21 years, The Reverend James McCaslin joined us in 1999. Jim’s wise leadership and heart carried us through the next years as we made the difficult decision to withdraw from the Episcopal Church in America and align ourselves with the Anglican Communion Network. Jim was called to become the Dean of the Southeastern Convocation and, due to the amount of time he needed to devote to that responsibility, he decided to retire to devote his energies to the important work of realignment.
The Reverend Gene Strickland was chosen and began as All Souls’ Rector in June of 2006. Under his leadership, we were led to lock the doors to the building of our church home on Old St. Augustine Road after twenty-eight years and seek God‘s new direction. After walking in procession to the Mandarin Middle School, we spent the next three years worshiping in the auditorium. The gracious hand of God led Crown Point Baptist Church to open their doors to us and we were able to hold activities on their property.
On Pentecost Sunday, May 2010, the members of All Souls processed again to our new home, a space of approximately 18,000 square feet formerly occupied by a hardware store. Over the next year, the space was transformed into a place for worship, prayer, and fellowship. Today we share our home with other believers: His Big House, a ministry to disadvantaged children; Women’s Aglow; and a Brazilian congregation, The Filadelfia Church.
July, 2010 was a time for Rev. Strickland to seek a new ministry and the Reverend Charles Bailey became our interim Rector while we sought the Lord’s hand in bringing us a new Rector.
That prayerful waiting was fulfilled on January 1st, 2013 when Senior Pastor Brook (The Reverend Joseph Brooklyn Batchelor, III) became our new Rector. Pastor Brook is now in his 10th year as Rector and Senior Pastor.
Worship is the primary focus of All Souls. The desire to enter God’s presence and to bless Him with our heartfelt praise has been the foundation upon which God has built this family of believers.
Our services are liturgical, sacramental, and moderately charismatic, integrating the ancient with the contemporary.
Music leadership is provided by our praise group. Hymns as well as contemporary songs are backed by guitar, synthesizer, flutes, bass, and drums.
Sunday worship begins with the whole family. Just before the scripture readings and after praying over the Children, K through 5th grade, they go to their Children’s Church service, and they return after the offering to be with their family for Holy Eucharist.
Lectors read the Old and New Testament lessons, as well as the Psalms. During the Eucharist, intercessory prayer is available to anyone in need. The service concludes with a recessional song
Worship Schedule
- 9:00 am – Discipleship classes
- 10:15 am – 11:30 am – Worship
Our vision: We are committed to equipping the entire family for His service so that we can find and fulfill our calling in the work of the Kingdom.
We do this through discipling all ages from the nursery through adulthood.
Nursery: From 6 months through age 3, our youngest members are in the nursery, where during the worship service, they sing and have an age appropriate Bible lesson.
Children: Our pre-K through 5th grade students gather Sunday morning at 9 am for Sunday School, where they study God’s Word in age appropriate ways and learn to apply God’s Word to their daily life. During our worship service, our children attend Children’s Church and return to join their families for Holy Communion.
Youth: Our 6th through 12th grade students learn to walk like Christ through Sunday School (separated into Jr and Sr high), Sunday evening Bible study and putting their faith in action through serving others. more
Adults: Our adults meet in small groups and in Sunday School classes. Our men have prayer breakfasts, Men’s Meat Night, retreats and have service opportunities in and out of our church family. Our women meet in small groups, Beth Moore studies, and seasonal retreats.